As like you, I have many pet peeves. One on the top of my list is when someone ignores the simple gesture to thank someone for an act of kindness. Whether it's a simple "thanks" for holding a door open for someone, or a formal "thank you" for giving a gift, it's just our duty to respond with gratitude.
In regards to gift giving, proper etiquette states that thank you cards should be sent off within 1-2 weeks after receiving a gift (in general or prior to a wedding), and 2-4 weeks after a wedding (or from returning from a honeymoon if it immediately follows the wedding). And although writing personal thanks to many people can be such a task, "no duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks". So remember, don't ever let your gratitude go unnoticed, send those thank you's!
I can't for the life of me find who designed this awesome thank you card. But whoever did rocks. ;) |